الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Plan your trade and trade your plan

Planning the trade is a secret key of successful trader

plan your trade

No trader will survive long time if he doesn't put a plan before he trade, but you can`t trade on any plan if you are not disciplined enough to follow it.
Richard Dennis in Way of Turtle says "Do not worry where the prices go worry about what you are going to do when they get there"
You must put a plan before you trade because once you buy stocks and put money in the market, you can`t control the prices movement, so stop worry  about what will happen and concentrate on what will you do when the prices go there.
So to be winner in the market you cannot open and close trade from your emotion, and the one way to control your emotion is to have plan and you are strong enough and have discipline to follow your own plan.

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